Cam With Us

TreasureCams first team meeting of 2022 TODAY!

Today we have the very first TreasureCams team meeting of the year! We are meeting 4-6 pm EST today to have our monthly team meeting.

Today we will be going over and looking into:

our schedules, rates, marketing, profiles and more. Thinking about what we can change and refresh, and how it appears outside looking in. We will be setting our intentions for the year and setting goals weekly and monthly. Looking back on our goals from last year, seeing what worked and what did not and finding what we can do to make cam work for us!

Team meetings are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged so you can engage with your cammunity, ask questions and take advantage of everything (and every one) the studio has to offer.

If this type of environment and supportive team sounds appealing to you as a performer, consider signing up to cam with us!

check out more info and fill out the form at the bottom of the page here:

learn more about how you can came with us!

We have a team meeting each month, on a different focus or topic, sometimes with a guest speaker. Many meetings are recorded and uploaded into the performers only forums so everyone has access to them at anytime. LOTS of great info is exchanged during these meetings and it’s also fun alot of the time.

Come be a part of it by joining TreasureCams webcam studio and earn a fat paycheck from home on your own terms!