Cam With Us

Perks for TreasureCams Models

Our list of perks adds alot of value to being a member of TreasureCams Studio.

Joining, and being active on ANY of our platforms that we represent will get you:

Access to the TreasureCams Performer Only Forums

Before you even begin streaming, at signup you get a login for the TreasureCams performer only forums, containing EVERYTHING there is to know about multiple platforms. Not only do you get access to easily searchable threads on everything from setting up lighting to trouble shooting errors to best times to cam, you also get input from the whole team. It’s a place for performers to share information, connect and create cammunity.

One on One Consult with Bella Vendetta

After two weeks of streaming, TreasureCams studio head Bella Vendetta will schedule a one on one consult with you. These hour long chats can be a deeper dive into your particular niches and marketing, a question and answer session to go over anything you are unsure of or want to explore. Bella has helped many performers develop their brands, fine tune marketing, explore new platforms and avenues and given countless hours of advice for folks who don’t even know where to start. After your initial consult we can schedule one every few months, or more or less depending on your needs.


Bella Vendetta is a professional photographer, running Bella Luna Rosa Studios. Bella’s work has regularly appeared in magazines, gallery shows and websites around the world. Each active TreasureCams performer is granted one free photoshoot per calendar year. These multi hour sessions are used to create content, marketing material and promotional photos and videos. Lots of performers use this time to create content to re-sell on their fansites and platforms. Get multiple sets of professionally produced photos to elevate your brand. Performers who are not physically able to get to the studio can set up a virtual photoshoot with Bella. In some select areas and cities Bella can set you up with a professional photographer.

We also host a yearly “TreasureCams Content Creation Camp” in the summer. A chance to make content in some beautiful locations, connect IRL with your team, and make a great group project as well.

*Personal photos with Bella are currently on hiatus until October 2024

Team Meetings

Ten months out of the year, TreasureCams hosts monthly team meetings for our performers. Some meetings have a particular focus of topic, some are just a time to gather and ask questions and share info, and some are workshops lead by special guests. The most important meetings are recorded, and shared within the forums to watch or rewatch at any time. Some meetings may be a training or walk through on a particular platform.

Co Working Meetings

In addition to the formal meeting schedule, each month we host a 2 hour co-working meeting. TreasureCams has alot of neuro divergent babes in the studio, and we find this structured time for computer work has helped alot of people. We chat for ten minutes and discuss what we want to get done, work for 50 minutes, then break to chat again for 10 minutes, and work a final 50 minute slot. It’s a great time to catch up on copywriting, email, editing, cleaning up your computer, scheduling PPV messages and much, much more. Having a group of folks working on similar work and supporting you can be a great motivator to getting things accomplished.

*All TreasureCams meetings are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged so you can get the most out of your cammunity

Support in Pursuing Adult Industry Awards

If you are interested in pursuing adult industry awards, we an help guide you in which award shows you would be a great fit for. We also can help create graphics for promotion, send out press releases and write blogs to help encourage votes and consult with you on a strategy to get nominated and WIN! Bella Vendetta herself has several industry awards under her belt, and the TreasureCams studio have gotten multiple performers nominated for awards, supported performers pursue conventions and industry events, and WIN awards as well!

Internal Awards

In addition to helping you figure out each individual platforms award system, algorithm and contest and bonus schedule, we run several internal studio wide contests through out the year. Our contest mostly focus on creativity and marketing instead of focusing on long unsustainable hours. Awards are things like TreasureCams swag and giftbags, lighting and LED decorations for your cam space, toys, clothing and gift cards.

Yearly we host the “Bella Challenge” in March, which is an intense four week course in time management, schedule building, list making, video production and finances. Each week a different focus or challenge, and at the end of the month, top earner, and most improved are awarded!

Bonus for Referring New Models

If you have a great experience with us and think someone you know would be a great fit for the team, send them our way! If a TreasureCams model refers a new model and they earn $200+ on any of our platforms within the first 30 days, You will receive a FREE set of business cards with your links on them. If they earn $300+ you BOTH will receive new business cards!


In this industry networking can be priceless, you get a built in team of folks, a structured list of performers in different categories, and access to a creative group of folks who all have different strengths niches and offerings.

In addition to the immediate TreasureCams crew, Bella is always at work looking for press and promo opportunities for models at all times. TreasureCams models have gotten into film festivals, gallery shows, magazines, podcasts and more with connections from the studio.

Bella uses her connections from two decades in the industry to connect models with vetted photographers and producers to help grow your career. TreasureCams has established connections with both Blush Erotica and Jerkmate TV to help push our models to new audiences.


We will retweet you, repost you and let folks know when you are live on a number of social media platforms. We also list all of our active models in our Model Index. We post news and blogs about particular models and always welcome a reason to promote you!

We love making performers dreams come true!

Learn how to sign up with us here: