Cam With Us

TreasureCams team meeting today!

Today I am very excited that we will be hosting our first TreasureCams team workshop. We have Second City trained comedienne, activist, public speaker and writer Lorelei Erisis hosting a very special workshop: “Improv for Cam” Lorelei will be talking to us about crafting a character out of our own true identities, and how to talk to anyone, fill dead space and ENTERTAIN! We will be doing some exercises and games as well and as always, have plenty of time for questions and answers from the team after.

Activities like this get our CEO, Bella Vendetta very excited for team building and re investing in the performers in TreasureCams studios.

If this type of environment sounds like a good fit for you, consider joining our team! We are always looking for well put together individuals and couples who want to make good money working from home.

check out this page for more info: