Cam With Us

TreasureCams team meeting today!

Just a reminder for models: our TreasureCams monthly team meeting is scheduled for TODAY!

Each monthly we have a team meeting, different topics, or workshops, sometimes we even have guest speakers and teachers come. It’s a great time to ask questions, get feedback and check in with each other.

Camming does NOT have to be a solo, isolating experience. Not when you are in a studio of other like minded, badass babes. Part of how we got to be the money team is sharing info with each other! And the team meetings are a great time for that to happen!

This month, we have just a one hour meeting, no particular theme or workshop. A good time to check in and see how busy season is treating everybody. We’ll be introducing some new members, and talking about the cool stuff the studio has going for Halloween next month!

These meetings are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged, so we can promote cammunity and sharing and getting to know each other. When there are guest speakers or particular topics meetings often get recorded and posted inside the forums for anyone who could not be there, and for members to reference later.

If that type of supportive environment with feedback and personalized care sounds appealing to you, consider CAMMING WITH US!

We are always accepting applications from potential new team members, more info about that can be found here:

click here to learn how you can stream with us and earn a weekly paycheck from home!