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Risks of Online Sex Work

Before getting into online sex work it’s important that you understand the risks.

Any form of sex work has risks and dangers.  As a sex worker who has done both in person and online sex work, studio head Bella Vendetta can speak to the differences and risk levels.

Many folks consider online sex work to be the safest form of sex work.  You don’t leave your own home!  You can block anyone at any time.  No one gets to know your private details or locations, only as much information as you disclose.

The risks can be financial, as many major banks discriminate sex workers, even workers doing legal work like onlyfans or camming.

To ensure you will be able to safely deposit your checks and access your money, we recommend choosing a small, cooperative bank and NOT a major bank like Bank of America and NOT banking apps like chime.

When setting up bank accounts or online profiles for any non sex work related business, use a different email address.  DO NOT sign up for your bank with your stage name email address.  

Keep things separate!

Don’t advertise your sex work on personal social media accounts that might have friends or family looking in.

Make a separate email account for your sex work related things.  We recommend that instead of making it your stage name: such as:  BellaVendetta@gmail that instead you use a variation like: BellalovesRevenge@gmail.

Because yes, even Google can discriminate against you if you are a sex worker!  If they find you are using your account solely for sex work, they can delete it at any time.

Keep yourself safe by signing up to some newsletters and such with your new email address and focus on interests you have outside of sex work.

Pro Tip* Sign up to some great business, sales and finance newsletters for weekly inspiration in your email inbox.

Just like google, almost every single social media app will also discriminate against you and you may lose your accounts at any time.  Be cute and demure, but not obscene, remember children can access these apps at any time.  They do NOT want you blatantly advertising adult work.  Instead advertise yourself.  Make your links easy to find and get to.  Buyers who are interested will find out where they can see more!

DON’T post direct links as it is a violation of most apps TOS.  Instead, use a link aggregator, we love campsite, which allows for 18+ content.  You can sign up to that HERE

Check out how our page looks here:

Along with being discriminated against by banks, tech and places like airbnb, you also have to worry about your real life friends and family.

Bella Vendetta says: “I always tell people, whoever is your worst nightmare of you finding out you do sex work, figure out what you would do if that person found out.  Make a plan for that to happen, because there’s no guarantee it won’t”

You also want to protect yourself from any current or future employers who might have a problem with your job.  There’s tons of stories out there of nurses teachers and caregivers getting fired from their jobs when their fan sites are found out.

It is absolutely possible to stream and earn great money without putting tons of hours into social media promotion, and putting your face out there more.  Therefore, the only people who would ever know you do sex work would be the customers who happen to be online at the same time as you and looking at your room.

TreasureCams has one performer who streams regularly, has no social media and regularly takes home $900-1200 per week.

If you want to be secretive, make sure you have a good and believable and steadfast cover story for where you’ve been working and making your money.

It’s also a good idea to have a good fake real story for customers.  Figure out what you want your characters backstory to be and stick to it.

Be careful who you come out to! Not everyone is going to be supportive.  You will lose friends.  People will talk shit.  Feelings may be hurt.  People in general just treat you very differently and it can be difficult to feel acceptance about your job from the world at large.

It will most certainly impact your love life dating and interpersonal and intimate relations in ways you might not contemplate, and that even your partners feel surprised by.

Sex work can be a lonely and isolating job for many. Even camming at home, spending so much time alone and having no one to talk to about the difficulties of your job can be really rough to handle.

That’s one of the many reasons we think TreasureCams is so great.  You have a whole community of people doing the same job you are, facing the same struggles.  We have regular team meetings, co working sessions, forums and ways to stay connected all the time.  We don’t ever want our performers to feel alone.  In addition to that, you’ve always got the support of studio head Bella Vendetta. You can book one one on consults for a pep talk or to discuss strategies to help you come out to your family or friends or deal with any fallouts.

Bella Vendetta has written a chapter for the decorated book “Coming out Like a Pornstar” edited by Jiz Lee BUY YOUR COPY HERE

  about her personal experience coming out to family and friends and how it’s different each time and ever changing.

Online, your fans and customers will only have as much info about you as you give them.  You can list a different state that you live in.

If you are looking for even MORE privacy, there are some other things to try like:

Wearing a mask or not showing your face.  TreasureCams truly prefers to work with models and performers who are proud and out, but everyone has their own comfort levels.  Sometimes models start out masked and then work their way up to feeling comfortable being face out.  We can tell you with the data that face out models earn much more money on average.


Are a very real threat and can happen to any type of entertainer or personality.  Even cyber stalking can be troublesome.  You will absolutely meet troublesome, problematic customers and terrible people who get off by treating sex workers like shit.

In the studio we try very hard to train performers how to redirect, block, report and quickly identity problem customers and move on from them without letting it ruin the vibe or your mood.  Trolls will come out to be mean behind a computer screen, that is hard to handle for the toughest people out there and you’ll be interacting with them directly.

It is absolutely NOT a job for everyone and it’s important to think about if you can mentally handle that.


That’s so so important.  Make sure you have some supportive folks in your life who you can talk to about bad days or grievances or even funny anecdotes without them judging you.  For lots of sex workers, that means other sex workers.  It’s also really great to have a therapist and we can help recommend some good sex work affirming therapists.

Of course as mentioned before you have the whole TreasureCams team to support you and we’ve all been through it before and can speak from our lived experience.

Interested in getting started and having a team full of support behind you? CLICK HERE to learn about livestreaming with us

CLICK HERE to learn about all the fansite platforms we work with and more!

Check out this blog on studio head Bella vendetta’s substack: